Friday, June 29, 2012

Jembatan Barelang Tertabrak Kapal

Jembatan  Barelang (Batam, Rempang, Galang) merupakan jembatan kebanggan warga Batam yang dibuat pada tahun  1992 sepanjang 2264 meter, jembatan ini menghubungkan pulau-pulau yang ada di Provinsi kepulauan Riau seperti Pulau Batam, Pulau Tonton, Pulau Nipah, Pulau Rempang,Pulang Galang, Pulau Baru.
    Jembatan Berelang IV yang menghubungkan Pulau galang-galang Baru mengalami rusak parah karena ditabrak oleh kapal Ausie 1 asal yang sedang sandar dipelabuhan. Kapal Ausie 1 berasal dari Australia yang disandarkan dipelabuhan untuk menjadi rumah bagi pekerja salah satu perusahaan. Kapal Ausie tidak memiliki mesin dengan kata lain tidak bisa dijalankan lagi.
    Kejadian jembatan Berelang VI dengan kapal Ausie terjadi pada Rabu 6 Juni 2012 ketika semua orang sedang tidur sekitar jam 03,30 WIB. Kapal Ausie yang seharusnya tetap bersandar dipelabuhan namun terbawa pasang surut air laut dan angin yang kencang sampai ke jembatan VI Barelang. Karena tabrakan keras dari kapal Ausie menyebabkan Jembatan rusak sepanjang 45 Meter, karena kerusakan itu membuat jembatan ini tidak bisa digunakan lagi untuk sementara waktu. 

Ironi Jakarta di Usia ke-484

Sesuai keputusan Walikota Jakarta pada priode 1952-1957 yang menetapkan hari jadi kota Jakarta pada tanggal 22 juni 1527, tanggal ini dipilih setelah melalui perundingan oleh ahli-ahli sejarah seperti Mohamad Yamin, Sukanto, dan Sudarjo yang dipilih pemerintah  untuk mencari bukti hari jadi kota jakarta. Tanggal 22 Juni 1527 dipilih oleh ahli sejarah dengan berpikiran bahwa fatahillah seorang panglima perang dari kerajaan Demak mendirikan kota yang diberi nama jayakarta dan sekarang bernama jakarta.
    Tepat pada tahun 2012 kota Jakarta sudah memiliki umur yang sudah sangat tua yaitu ke 484, namun kota jakarta masih belum bisa memberikan kenyamanan bagi warganya untuk tinggal di dikota yang sudah tua ini. Jakarta merupakan salah satu kota besar yang berada di Indonesia bahkan Asia, yang memiliki kehidupan sampai 24 jam tanpa berhenti selalu ramai kapanpun.
    Usia yang sudah mencapai 484 tahun masih banyak yang harus dibenahi oleh pemerintah kota jakarta bahkan Indonesia. Masalah-masalah yang harus ditangani adalah seperti kemacetan, kebanjiran, sampah, konflik antara golongan, keamanan, polusi dan masih banyak lagi,
    Kemacetan merupakan masalah utama yang sangat sulit diatasi oleh pemerintah, walikota dan gubernur selalu berganti namun kemacetan masih tetap ada bahkan bertambah parah. banyak waktu yang dihabisi oleh warga jakarta dijalanan karena kemacetan yang tidak pernah diatasi, yang bisa membuat tingkat stress sangat tinggi. Banyak cara yang sudah dilakukan pemerintah untuk mengatasi kemacetan seprti trans jakarta, pelebaran dan pembuatan jalan, aturan lalu lintas (3 in 1) dan masih banyak lagi.
Masalah besar yang menjadi perhatian khusus oleh pemerintah lainya adalah kebanjiran, setiap musim hujan pasti Jakarta akan terendam oleh banjir yang membuat warga menjadi menderita karena kehilangan harta dan penyakit yang diderita. Pemerintah melakukan penangan yang sangat serius untuk banjir jakarta, langkah-langkah pasti yang dilakukan untuk mengurangi banjir itu seperti penggalian dan pelebaran kali, pembuatan kanal barat dan timur, pembersihan salura air yang tersumbat dan masih banyak lagi.
    Semoga dihari jadi ke-484 Jakarta terlepas dari segala masalah seperti banjir, macet dan yang lainya, sehingga jakarta menjadi kota yang layak huni dan nyaman bagi masyarakat yang tinggal didalamnya.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Pesawat TNI AU Kembali Jatuh

Pesawat Tentara Nasional Indonesia Angkatan Udara (TNI AU) kembali jatuh dan membuat Indonesia kembali berduka. Pesawat Fokker-27 jatuh di komplek Rajawali jalan Branjangan yang masih berada didaerah Halim Perdana Kusuma Jakarta Timur tanggal 21 juni 2012. Pesawat ini mulai digunakan oleh TNI AU sejak tahun 1976 di skuadron 2.
            Pesawat Fokker-27 terbang dalam rangka latihan rutin, namun Tuhan berkata lain kamis itu merupakan penerbangan terakhir bagi Pilot Mayor Penerbang Heri Setyawan. Mayor Penerbang Heri merupakan Pilot yang membawa pesawat tragis itu, Pilot Heri memiliki jam jam terbang tinggi dalam penerbangan.
            Pesawat Fokker-27 ketika jatuh langsung menimpa pemukiman rumah yang menyebabkan korban warga sipil, dalam kejadian ini ada 11 korban yang meninggal dunia. Diantara itu 4 orang merupakan warga sipil yang ada dirumah, sedangkan 7 orang merupakan Prajurit TNI yang ikut dalam latihan itu.
            Semoga Tragedi memilukan ini menjadi yang terakhir yang terjadi di Indonesia. Kejadian ini harus menjadi pelajaran penting bagi Pemimpin TNI dan Pemerintah agar tidak terulang lagi kejadian seperti ini, karena nyawa orang tidak bersalah yang menjadi taruhanya. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tragedi Pesawat Sukhoi SuperJet 100

Bangsa Indonesia kembali berduka, kabar duka ini Bukan tanah longsor, banjir bandang, gempa bumi, tsunami, gunung meletus tetapi Indonesia berduka karena jatuhnya Pesawat Sukhoi SuperJet 100 asal Russia di Gunung Salak Bogor Jawa Barat.
Sukhoi SuperJet 100 merupakan salah satu  pesawat mewah dan tercanggih yang ada di dunia saat ini yang dibuat di Negara Russia. Pesawat ini melakukan promosi besar-besaran diseluruh dunia terutama asia, Indonesia juga merupakan salah satu Negara yang akan menjadi tempat promsi. Cara promosinya adalah dengan uci terbang dengan warga sipil yang melakukan bisnis dibidang dirgantara.
Pesawat Sukhoi SuperJet 100 direncanakan akan terbang dilangit Indonesia pada tanggal 8 mei 2012 dengan melakukan dua kali penerbangan yang dipimpin oleh kapten senior Alexander Yablonstesev (Russia) beserta crew yang sebagian besar berwarga Negara Russia. Penerbangan pertama dilakukan di atas langit bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma berjalan dengan lancar.
Penerbangan kedua yang kembali dipimpin oleh Kapten Alexander akan menempuh rute Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma Jakarta dan berakhir di Pelabuhan Ratu Sukabumi Jawa Barat melewati gunung-gunung di Bogor. Cuaca cerah mengiringi penerbangan kedua menuju pelabuhan ratu, namun peawat mengalami kehilangan kontak dengan menara pengawas ketika melintasi langit Bogor tepatnya diatas Gunung Salak.
Ternyata pesawat sukhoi menabrak tebing yang berada di Gunung Salak Bogor. Pencarian dilakukan oleh TNI AU, TNI AD, Polis, Tim SAR, Organisasi-organisasi dan dibantu oleh masyarakat yang ada di sekitar Gunung Salak, pencarian ini dipimpin langsung oleh komanda 061 Surya Kencana Kolonel infantri AM Putranto.
Medan yang berat menyulitkan tim sar untuk menyelamatkan korban yang berada dilokasi. Evakuasi dilakukan dengan dua cara melalui darat dan melalui udara, selain medan yang berat tim sar juga mendapatkan kesulitan karena cuaca yang kurang bersahabat karena selalu turun hujan. Karena kerja keras dari tim sar dilapangan akhirnya puing pesawat dapat ditemukan dalam waktu dua hari, dan korban langsung dievakuasi ke Rumah Sakit.
Ketua Badan Tim Sar Nasional Daryatno akhirnya menghentikan pencarian pada tanggal 18 mei 2012 tepat sepuluh hari setelah kejadian pesawat jatuh. Selain itu Daryatno menyatakan bahwa tidak ada korban yang selama dari kejadian ini.

Mantan Menteri Kesehatan Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih Tutup Usia

Indonesia kembali kehilangan Srikandi hebat ditahun ini yaitu Mantan Menteri Kesehatan Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih, beliau meniggal dunia pada hari rabu 2 Mei 2012 tepat pukul 11.41 di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional (RSUPN) Cipto Mangungkusomo Jakarta Pusat.
            Endang Rahyu Sedyanigsih merupakan menteri kesehatan priode 2009-2014 yang dipimpin oleh Presiden Bambang Susilo Yudoyono, namun pada tanggal 26 april 2012 beliau mengundurkan diri karena sakit yang diderita tidak kunjung sembuh tetapi semaikn parah. Selain itu beliau mengundurkan diri karena ingin fokus dalam pengobatannya dan beristirahat lebih banyak.
            Endang R Sedyaningsih meninggal karena sudah tidak dapat melawan penyakit kanker paru-paru yang telah diderita sejak tahun 2010. Beliau lahir pada tanggal 1 Februari 1955 beliau meninggalkan dua orang putra dan satu orang putri.
            Pendidikan Beliau dimulai dari Banyumas, selepas SMA beliau melanjutkan studi di Universitas Indonesia fakultas kedokteran tahun 1979, lalu mengambil  spesialisasi Kesehatan Masyarakat di Harvard School of Public Health di Boston, Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1992 dan menyelesaikan program doktor pada tahun1997.
            Pendidikan cemerlang yang dimiliki almarhum menempatkan beliau diposisi penting dalam pekerjaan. Pertama lulus almarhum langsung bekerja di Rumah Sakit Umum Pertamina, hanya dua tahun bekerja dirumah sakit pertamina beliau bekerja di nusa tenggara timur menjadi kepala puskesmas di waipare selama 3 tahun, lalu kembali lagi ke jakarta bekerja sebagai pegawai di Dinas Kesehatan Pemerintah DKI Jakarta.
            Setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan di Amerika almarhum bekerja di kementerian kesehatan dan menduduki beberapa jabatan penting seperti Kepala Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Biomedis dan Farmasi, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Kesehatan. Dan mencapai puncak karir ketika menduduki menteri kesehatan  pada Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu semenjak 22 Oktober 2009.
            Jenazah disemayamkan dirumah duka 2 Mei 2012 pada jam 19.00 WIB yang lalu jam 20.00 dipindahkan ke kantor kementerian kesehatan sampai pagi hari, setelah itu jenazah akan dikebumikan di Taman Makam San Diego Hills pada hari Kamis.             

Chelsea won UEFA Champions League

Finally football team from London; Chelsea reach their first title on May 25th 2012. UEFA Champions League (UCL) is a competition for the greatest teams in Europe, to be performed in this competition is the pride especially to be a winner.

UCL trophy is not easy to be achieved because Chelsea is going to meet a big clubs, one of the big club is Barcelona who is the semifinal’s winner. This winning is a beautiful gift for billionaire Roman Abramovich from Russia since he took the entire Chelsea’s stocks in 2003.

Purchasing a massive player and coach replacement as much as 8 times to be done to win UCL. In season 2011-2012 Chelsea went through the finals to face Bayern Munchen (Germany). Before the game, there are many observer assume that Bayern Munchen will not have difficulties to reach the five times UCL trophy.
Bayern Munchen become excellent because their players material is in above Chelsea’s players, beside that Chelsea didn’t play the four main players because of the banned due to card accumulation. The location of the competition became one of the main factors to reach because Bayern Munchen playing at their own safety arena which is called Allianz Arena is located in Munich, Germany.

Ninety-minutes during the match Chelsea is in under pressure because they always have been attacked. Until forty-five minutes the first round the score still 0-0, in the second round Bayern Munchen return to greater pressure with Robben become Leader. And finally in the eighty-three minutes Thomas Muller gave the home fans hope for a result in scores over his head.

But in the last eighty-eight minutes, Didier Drogba equalized with a header that is very tight corner welcomes feedback from juan eye. With the score 1-1 through 90 minutes of normal time it held an extension time. In the extra time, Bayern Munich could actually win when a penalty kick, but Arjen Robben was named to be kicker cannot change the position.

The game moved on through penalty, the first person is Juan Matta from Chelsea can be thwarted by Manuel Neuer. But the kicker of Bayern Munchen Lvica Olic and Bastian Schweinsteiger failed to do his duties. Didier Drogba from Chelsea finally can do his job as kicker and made Chelsea as a winner of UCL this season.

Inter Milan Goes to Indonesia

The football fans will be watching the interesting match from world class footballer as we all know is called Inter Milan. Inter Milan is from Italia that will be present in Indonesia to play against Indonesia national team and U-23 national team.

Inter Milan is not the first team visit Indonesia, there are world class team that came to Indonesia like Bayer Munchen (Jerman), Dortmun (Jerman), and the last one is LA Galaxy (USA). Furthermore, there are many teams that have come to Indonesia.

Inter Milan is one of the greatest club in Italy even in the world. Inter Milan have a plenty of achievements in Italy. Achievements that have been achieved because of the material is owned by world class players. Inter Milan have the best players such as Diego Milito (Argentina), Forlan (Uruguay), Zaneti (Argentia), Wesley Sneijder (Belanda), and the other players made Inter Milan is a respected team in the world.

Top of the Inter Milan’s achievements occurred in 2010 when they have won three titles in one season. The three titles were Italian League, Copa Italia and UEFA Champions League.

The match between Inter Milan and Indonesia national team will be held on May 23rd and May 27th 2012 at Gelora Bung Karno in Indonesia. The game is an experience that must be taken of Indonesia players because they can see the world class players live. 

Manchester City won Barclays Premier League

Barclays Premier League (BPL) seasons 2011-2012 ended in the third week of May. There are two teams of Manchester who led the ranks of BPL, there are Manchester United and Manchester City. Both of teams have same points.

The last match between Manchester United and Sunderland has not motivation to play again because Manchester United already in the secure of their ranks. However, Manchester City has to defeat QPR with perfectly and have to get an extra point to be in the secure position. QPR is above the degradation zone ranking level, whose can go down caste when being in that zone.

The both of teams compete in the same day and time, so we cannot see their game against them. Manchester United succeed defeat Sunderland with score 1-0, and Manchester City as well succeed defeat QPR in the dramatic match with score 3-2 in the last two minutes.

Finally the moment that we’ve been waiting for more than 40 years Manchester City reached their title for the last time. In this season, they can feel the same way back in the 40 years ago to win BPL and reach the trophy. Purchasing player is the key to massive success of Manchester City after the stock was taken entirely by the employer flight.

Next mission of Manchester City is to defend the title and to reach the BPL trophy again, beside that Manchester City will buy a new expensive players to gain their winning desire.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Structure Skill 9 : Adjective Clause Connector

An adjective clause describes a noun. Because the clause is an adjective, it is positioned directly after the noun that it describes.

In the first example, there are two clauses: this is the subject of the verb is, and I is the subject of the verb want.That is the adjective clause connector that joins these two clauses, and the adjective clause that I want to buy describes the noun house.

In the second example, there are also two clauses: house is the subject of the verb is, and I is the subject of the verb want. In this sentence also, that is the adjective clause connector that joins these two clauses, and the adjective clause that I want to buy describes the noun house.


The job _____ started yesterday was rather difficult.
(A) when
(B) was
(C) after
(D) that he
In this example, you should notice quickly that there are two clauses: job is the subject of the verb was, and the verb started needs a subject. Because there are two clauses, a connector is also needed. Answers (A) and (C) have connectors, but there are no subjects, so these answers are not correct. Answer (B) changes started into a passive verb; in this case the sentence would have one subject and two verbs, so answer (B) is not correct. The best answer to this question is answer (D). The correct sentence should say: The job that he started yesterday was rather difficult. In this sentence job is the subject of the verb was, he is the subject of the verb started, and the connector that joins these two clauses.

The following chart lists the adjective clause connectors and the sentence pat terns used with them.

Structure Skill 8 : Noun Clause Connectors/Subjects

In Skill 7 we saw that noun clause connectors can be used to introduce noun clauses. In Skill 8 we will see that in some cases a noun clause connector is not just a connector; a noun clause connector can also be the subject of the clause at the same timeStudy the clauses and connectors in the following sentences.

I know what happened yesterday

We are thinking about what happened yesterday.

In the first example, there are two clauses: I know and what happened yesterday. These two clauses are joined by the connector what. It is important to understand that in this sentence the word what serves two functions. It is both the subject of the verb happened and the connector that joins the two clauses.

In the second example, there are two clauses. In the first clause we is the subject of are thinking. In the second clause what is the subject of happened. What also serves as the connector that joins the two clauses. The noun clause what happened yesterday functions as the object of the preposition about.


The company was prepared for ________ happened with the economy.

(A) it
(B) the problem
(C) what
(D) when

Structure Skill 7 : Noun Clause Connectors

A noun clause is a clause that functions as a noun; because the noun clause functions as a noun, it can be used in a sentence as an object of a verb (if it follows a verb) or an object of a preposition (if it follows a preposition). Study the clauses and connectors in the following sentences.

In the first example, there are two clauses, I don’t know and he said such things. These two clauses are joined with the connector why. Why changes the clause he said such things into a noun clause which functions as the object of the verb don’t know.

In the second example, the two clauses I am thinking and he said such things are also joined by the connector why. Why changes the clause he said such things into a noun clause which functions as the object of the preposition about.


The citizens worry about ____ is doing.

 what the government
(B) the government
(C) what
(D) what the government it

In this example, the sentence contains the main subject and verb, the citizens worry, and it also contains an additional verb, is doing. The sentence needs a subject for the verb is doing and a connector to join the two clauses. The best answer is answer (A) because it has the connector what and the subject government. Answer (B) is incorrect because it does not have a connector. Answer (C) is incorrect because it does not have a subject for is doing. Answer (D) is incorrect because it has two subjects for is doing.

The following chart lists the noun clause connectors and the sentence patterns used with them.

Structure Skill 6 : Adverb Clause Connectors

Sentences with adverb clauses have two basic patterns in English. Study the clauses and connectors in the following sentences:

He is tired because he has been working so hard.
Because he has been working so hard, he is tired.

In each of these examples, there are two clauseshe is tired and he has been working so hard. The clause he has been working so hard is an adverb clause that is introduced with the connector because. In the first example, the connector because comes in the middle of the sentence, and no comma (,) is used. In the second example, the connector because comes at the beginning of the sentence. In this pattern, when the connector comes at the beginning of the sentence, a comma (,) is required in the middle of the sentence.


_____ arrived at the library, he started to work immediately.

(A) The student
(B) When
(C) He
(D) After the student

In this example, you should recognize easily that the verb arrived needs a subject. There is also another clause, he started to work immediately. If you choose answer (A) or answer (C), you will have a subject for the verb arrived, but you will not have a connector to join the two clauses. Because you need a connector to join two clauses, answers (A) and (C) are incorrect. Answer (B) is incorrect because there is no subject for the verb arrived. Answer (D) is the best answer because there is a subject, student, for the verb, arrived, and there is a connector, after, to join the two clauses.

The following chart lists common adverb connectors and the sentence patterns used with them.

Structure Skill 5 : Coordinate Connectors

Many sentences in English have more than one clause. (A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb.) When you have two clauses in an English sentence, you must connect the two clauses correctly. One way to connect two clauses is to use andbut, or, or so between the clauses.

The sun was shining and the sky was blue.
The sky was blue, but it was very cold.
It may rain tonight, or it may be clear.
It was raining outside, so I took my umbrella.

In each of these examples, there are two clauses that are correctly joined with a coordinate connector—and, but, or, or so—and a comma (,).


I forgot my coat, ____ I got very cold.

(A) then
(B) so
(C) later
(D) as a result

In this example, you should notice quickly that there are two clauses, I forgot my coat and I got very cold. This sentence needs a connector to join the two clauses. Then, later, and as a result are not connectors, so answers (A), (C), and (D) are not correct. The best answer is answer (B) because so can connect two clauses in this manner.

The following chart lists the coordinate connectors and the sentence pattern used with them.